If you have ever felt deprived of your Dreams,

Trust Your Life is for you, whatever your age, circumstances, or the state of your waistline.

How I Can Help You

  • In Trust Your Life, I am pleased to be your coach, confidante, and fellow confessor.
  • I talk to you directly, with compassion, humor, and not too much nagging.
  • I share stumbling and risings of my own life and others, and the resonating wise words of many authors, from ancient to contemporary.
  • Here you will find anecdotes you can relate to, personal exercises, lists, affirmations, and prayers so you gain information, instruction, and inspiration.
  • I want to help you see, in Trust Your Life, that no matter what your age, physical condition, financial circumstances, education or position in life, you can embrace your innate Inner Wisdom to live more fully and achieve your life Dreams.

How Trust Your Life Evolved

  • I have been a lifelong student of spirituality, starting with yoga and studying many metaphysical disciplines and stellar New Consciousness teachers.
  • In the arduous process of earning my doctorate from Columbia University, I recognized the great need of doctoral candidates to have more personal help beyond often intimidating chairpersons and committee members. So I developed my editorial, coaching, and consulting practice.
  • For over twenty-eight years, I have helped professionals and experts from various fields who return to universities for graduate degrees.
  • I saw that the doctorate was a major life dream of many clients. They often did not enter the university until their 40s and 50s, after they’d “done their duty” with spouses, children, jobs, parents.
  • These new graduate students felt they were too old, couldn’t learn, were unfamiliar with scholarship, and felt embarrassed to be interacting with other students half their age.
  • No matter how much clients had accomplished in their personal lives and professional fields and however impressive were their titles, they often confessed negative and destructive thoughts. They lamented about lost time, feared they would never finish, and admitted feeling “foolish” or “stupid” to have started a doctorate at all.
  • My heart went out to these sincere people. To address their doubts and struggles and help them reach the Dream of the doctoral degree, I developed many of the spiritually-based and practical techniques in this book. For readers with similar or parallel situations, I’ve recounted clients’ experiences throughout the book.
  • I have also had my own Dream of writing, wrestling with my own deserving of this Dream. With deepening spiritual searches, I recognized self-condemnation of several life choices, described in the book. I have seen, as I want you to see, there are no mistakes in one’s life. We simply need the right perspective.

So, Here are Some of the Things Trust Your Life Does for You

  • Helps you forgive yourself for past “mistakes,” to see them as exactly what you needed, and to realize how dwelling on them hinders your long-cherished Dreams.
  • Shows you the inevitable/unavoidable relationship between your thoughts and the experiences you long to have.
  • Guides you to draw on the specifics of your own life.
  • Emphasizes the spiritual as the foundation for actions that produce fulfillment.
  • Gives you the practical methods and advice to pursue and joyfully realize your Dreams.
  • Helps you recognize your Inner Power and Wisdom and use these to reach your Dreams.
  • Teaches you spiritual principles and affirmations to help you toward your goal.
  • Encourages you to
    • develop yourself more courageously,
    • embrace your creative strength,
    • reconnect with your power, and
    • rely on your always trustworthy, knowing, and peace-producing Source.